Department of Paediatrics giving quality treatment for sick children and neonates in and around Ernakulam.The department consist of 6 doctors, 3 units headed by chief consultant (Paediatrics).
Around 200 children came to OPD every day for treatment and we had a high depended unit with two beds which provide care to sick children.
The paediatric ward which consist of 50 beds which include fever ward, ADD ward which provides services to children who need IP treatment.
Our level II b, SNCU consist of 15 warmers,3 double divfaces Phototherapy unit and 6 single for face phototherapy unit, and two CPAP.We give quality and divine facilities to sick neonates in and around Ernakulam District.
We had newborn training programme include OAE treatment, metabolic screening for 4 diseases include hypothyroidism, GEPD, PKU,LAH which is conducting in a systematic way.
We provide immunization to children in connection with PP unit. We had a combined unit with DEIC to improve the health and quality life of that children who approaches us at GH Ernakulam
Doctors in Charge
General Hospital Healthcare & Education, Banarji Road, Eranakulam, Kerala, India.
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