Department of Palliative care started functioning in General Hospital, Ernakulam since 7th December, 2008. Till 15.1.2014, 3259 patients have registered in the Department for palliative care for home care service. These patients include mainly those with end stage cancers and also other incurable debilitating diseases like Advanced Cancer, Irreversible Stroke , End of life stage in old age, End Stage Systemic Diseases ( Cardiac, Respiratory, Renal),Chronic Progressive Neuro Muscular Disorders, AIDS, Irreversible Head injury, Spinal injury, Paraplegia from accidents, Mental and Physical incapacitation – especially children. Most of the patients are very poor who needs support even for their daily bread. The Department of Palliative care has a team of trained volunteers in and around Ernakulam who are the backbone of the activities.
Department of Palliative care,General Hospital have the following staffs.
Programmes under the Department
This department has an official training center for pain and palliative care . Four courses provided here are as follows
General Hospital Healthcare & Education, Banarji Road, Eranakulam, Kerala, India.
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